

500 testimonios transformados en 500 pinturas son la pieza central del pabellón de Chile en la 17a Exhibición Internacional de Arquitectura de Venecia – La Bienal de Arquitectura 2020: How will we live together? Sobre la base de un conjunto de reglas formales y de trabajo colectivo, donde la autoría se diluye en la comunidad, pintores e historiadores tomaron los relatos de los habitantes de la emblemática población José María Caro para transformarlos en imágenes. En ellas se recorren distintos espacios que evocan vidas pasadas y presentes dentro la comunidad.

La pregunta sobre cómo viviremos juntos implica una reflexión sobre las experiencias de las formas en que hemos vivido, como comunidad, los diferentes ciclos políticos e históricos en el territorio que se habita, y cómo la memoria permite mirar el pasado y desde ahí proyectar una mirada colectiva. La población José María Caro, ubicada al sur del anillo pericentral de la ciudad de Santiago de Chile, es uno de los ejemplos de mayor connotación urbana de un proceso de integración social. Hacia fines de la década de 1950 y principios de 1960, se puso en marcha un plan habitacional donde el Estado –mediante la Corporación de la Vivienda– diseñó y visualizó un imaginario urbano que reunía distintos grupos sociales viviendo juntos en un mismo territorio. Eran grupos de personas provenientes de tugurios, trabajadores de niveles intermedios o independientes, empleados estatales y de las fuerzas armadas, que se reunieron en ocho sectores ordenados en relación con el desarrollo de la línea férrea que conecta el centro con el sur del país.

Testimonial Spaces tiene como objetivo orientar una exhibición que persigue promover recuerdos, deseos, tácticas espaciales de una vida integrada, en una ciudad que es resultado de un inventario lleno de estereotipos, de una ciudad biográfica donde las arquitecturas, los imaginarios cotidianos, los espacios comunes y las circunstancias vuelven a construir otra ciudad ya vivida e imperfecta, anhelada e idealizada: una casa, una plaza, la feria, la cancha, el barrio, el vivir unos juntos a otros.


Repair, as an idea, implies to restore something that is already damage […] Multiples and complexes factors, such as in large cities, were drawing and modifying the Santiago City shape, at the same time, their social and physical relationships.

The question, How will we live together? implies a reflection about process how have we live together, such as community and society, during different historic and politic process of territory inhabited.

Nowadays, the urban model -fragmented and dispersed- makes visible the cultural image of the city imposed during 70s and 80s such as result of urban land neoliberal policies, breaking the social and physical structure of  Santiago, formalizing the poverty and scarcity of the outcast. During 90s until now, the city was defining its shape as result of free market, in this manner, emerging another city; sprawl, diverse and fragile, nevertheless, as fragmented as the previous one; this city is juxtaposed to the other.

Thereby, as citizen have been capable of thinking and imagining in territorial strategies and architectures, temporary or fixed, as an act of repair for a city has been wounded, and divided by inequality. We have lived aparted, we have mistrusted each other, where the opportunities have decreased for those who lives distanced of spaces with better attributes, that of a friendly city.

The memory allows us to look our past and from there to prospect join way of looking, in this direction, to take the case of one greater urban experience in Santiago such example as an integrative urbanization process is the José María Caro Settlement that during 60´s and 70´s it made visible an urban imaginary where different sort social groups lived together in same territory -eradicated people, independent workers, public or privates’ employees-. All of them, were ordered in eight sectors regarding rail train line. Likewise, the exhibition appears like a challenge to make clear a temporal and scalar complexity, between past and present; dreams and imaginaries of urban structure shows the history of our city for projecting how will we live together.

Testimonial Spaces has as objective to focus on an exhibition where the pavilion looks for to promote architectures, citizen, memories, wishes and spaces of an integrate life, as consequence of an inventory of stereotypes, a biography city. In this sense, everyday experiences, and, common spaces rebuilding city that we have already lived, an imperfect city, a city longed for and idealized: a house, a square, a street market, a neighborhood; the right to another city. In this sense, the pavilion proposal will allow us to reflect on searching and re-interpretaion of those sort of architectures focus on wealth of eve
ryday life.